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类型:电视剧 纪录片 短片
主演:弗莱迪·福克斯 安德鲁·海登·史密斯 茱莉?赫斯姆德哈尔格 费塞友·阿金那德 维森特·富兰克林 RufusHound 杰克·巴斯 马克斯·赖德
剧情:{if:"【Season 1 Episode 1 - Good sex, bad sex】「The best sex, I think, is when you're in love. When you just fall in love.」【Season 1 Episode 2 - Sex talk】「Have you ever stuck your thumb up me dad's arse? → No, he'd not let me. → See, the older generation, they're boring.」hahaha...「Men exaggerate and lie about sex continuously. They're exaggerating three-quarters of the time.」【Season 1 Episode 3 - Not having sex】「Sex is like any other addiction. You know, you don't need it.」【Season 1 Episode 4 - Coming out】「I told my mum that I was the b-word, that we won't say out loud, because it's a stepping stone, usually. I'm not saying people can't be bisexual.」「It's funny when people do the whole, "Is she a lesbian?" It's like they can't say it out loud. It has to be, like, suffocated, like in a little container. "Is she a lesbian?"」「No-one's going to care. When you come out, it's the biggest thing in the world right now. It's the biggest thing in your head. And you think it's going to destroy you and it's going to be the end of you, but it isn't. It's gonna be the thing which makes you and it's going to be the thing which gives you more perspective on life and puts you in a better place to deal with everything else that's in life.」「I don't want you to live a double life, I don't want you to live a life that you're not happy in because the one thing I never want you to do is hurt someone by living a lie. You should be yourself.」「Honesty is always the best policy. You kind of retain some sense of control over how you're perceived.」「If you are honest and open and talk to people you'll find that this thing that has been burying away at you, boring away at you and making you feel like you're alone or making you feel like you're somehow less than and less worthy than, when you start talking to people about it, people will surprise you.」【Season 1 Episode 5 - Teenage lust】「When Jodie Foster came out, I remember a man going "Oh, now she's gay," like in any way it had changed your chances of having sex with Jodie Foster, see what I mean?」「Fantasy's always better than reality isn't it?」【Season 1 Episode 6 - Queer as fuck】「Obviously, I'm not advocating penetrating the other actor, but, like, if you're in the moment and you're doing it with someone and you're naked with somebody else... whether you're attracted to men or whether you're attracted to women or whatever it is, you're going to feel things because you're riding against naked flesh! If you get a bit of a hard-on, you know, you just have to say, "So sorry, but you're doing it really well, you're beautiful," you know. Those sex scenes... maybe it was the way they were directed, very sensitively... were very sexy to do. I think another actor would be a bit offended if they didn't feel at least a little something! (laughs) You know?」「If that's what you want to be, that's who you are, that's so fine and it's so good and it's the way the world is going, so... Boof! Yeah!」【Season 1 Episode 7 - Instasex】「I mean, under a bridge, really!」「A friend of mine who's gay... they live near Hampstead Heath, and there was a campaign there a few years ago, saying they didn't want gay men on Hampstead Heath meeting gay men on Hampstead Heath, and him saying to me, "You know, it's just jealousy." That if straight men knew there was a place you could go where you're guaranteed a woman would suck you off... there would be bus trips! They wouldn't be able to get there, the house prices around that place would be astronomical.」hahaha.. .【Season 1 Episode 8 - Filthy, Dirty sex】 「The great thing about fantasies is, we don't have scopes, do we? So we can build this fantastic fantasy in our head.」「I doubted myself, I didn't trust people and these are all things you learn over time, or you learn to accept yourself.」"<>""}【Season 1 Episode 1 - Good sex, bad sex】「The best sex, I think, is when you're in love. When you just fall in love.」【Season 1 Episode 2 - Sex talk】「Have you ever stuck your thumb up me dad's arse? → No, he'd not let me. → See, the older generation, they're boring.」hahaha...「Men exaggerate and lie about sex continuously. They're exaggerating three-quarters of the time.」【Season 1 Episode 3 - Not having sex】「Sex is like any other addiction. You know, you don't need it.」【Season 1 Episode 4 - Coming out】「I told my mum that I was the b-word, that we won't say out loud, because it's a stepping stone, usually. I'm not saying people can't be bisexual.」「It's funny when people do the whole, "Is she a lesbian?" It's like they can't say it out loud. It has to be, like, suffocated, like in a little container. "Is she a lesbian?"」「No-one's going to care. When you come out, it's the biggest thing in the world right now. It's the biggest thing in your head. And you think it's going to destroy you and it's going to be the end of you, but it isn't. It's gonna be the thing which makes you and it's going to be the thing which gives you more perspective on life and puts you in a better place to deal with everything else that's in life.」「I don't want you to live a double life, I don't want you to live a life that you're not happy in because the one thing I never want you to do is hurt someone by living a lie. You should be yourself.」「Honesty is always the best policy. You kind of retain some sense of control over how you're perceived.」「If you are honest and open and talk to people you'll find that this thing that has been burying away at you, boring away at you and making you feel like you're alone or making you feel like you're somehow less than and less worthy than, when you start talking to people about it, people will surprise you.」【Season 1 Episode 5 - Teenage lust】「When Jodie Foster came out, I remember a man going "Oh, now she's gay," like in any way it had changed your chances of having sex with Jodie Foster, see what I mean?」「Fantasy's always better than reality isn't it?」【Season 1 Episode 6 - Queer as fuck】「Obviously, I'm not advocating penetrating the other actor, but, like, if you're in the moment and you're doing it with someone and you're naked with somebody else... whether you're attracted to men or whether you're attracted to women or whatever it is, you're going to feel things because you're riding against naked flesh! If you get a bit of a hard-on, you know, you just have to say, "So sorry, but you're doing it really well, you're beautiful," you know. Those sex scenes... maybe it was the way they were directed, very sensitively... were very sexy to do. I think another actor would be a bit offended if they didn't feel at least a little something! (laughs) You know?」「If that's what you want to be, that's who you are, that's so fine and it's so good and it's the way the world is going, so... Boof! Yeah!」【Season 1 Episode 7 - Instasex】「I mean, under a bridge, really!」「A friend of mine who's gay... they live near Hampstead Heath, and there was a campaign there a few years ago, saying they didn't want gay men on Hampstead Heath meeting gay men on Hampstead Heath, and him saying to me, "You know, it's just jealousy." That if straight men knew there was a place you could go where you're guaranteed a woman would suck you off... there would be bus trips! They wouldn't be able to get there, the house prices around that place would be astronomical.」hahaha.. .【Season 1 Episode 8 - Filthy, Dirty sex】 「The great thing about fantasies is, we don't have scopes, do we? So we can build this fantastic fantasy in our head.」「I doubted myself, I didn't trust people and these are all things you learn over time, or you learn to accept yourself.」{else}类似于纪录片的形式,既为现实生活中的人提供讲述其独特性经验故事的机会,也以极自由娱乐的态度探讨两剧每周出现的性爱话题。{end if}收起
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