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类型:电影 恐怖 犯罪 惊悚
主演:Eric Roberts 查尔斯·德恩 Robert Loggia 埃里克·罗伯茨 罗伯特·劳吉亚
剧情:’Bonnie and Clyde’ are ..展开
剧情:’Bonnie and Clyde’ are reinvented in SCAVENGER KILLERS, where a charming judge and a hot criminal d..展开
剧情:{if:"Bonnie and Clyde's transformation in brutal killer, a charming judges and a hot criminal defense attorney to crazy killing atrocities.Strange, however, credible, fbi agents (a body strong, with a wooden leg, commanding silence and tourette's syndrome introverted people have psychic abilities) hunting, crazy duet amp on the rampage, never murder with the same way, but always with the same ferocity."<>""}Bonnie and Clyde's transformation in brutal killer, a charming judges and a hot criminal defense attorney to crazy killing atrocities.Strange, however, credible, fbi agents (a body strong, with a wooden leg, commanding silence and tourette's syndrome introverted people have psychic abilities) hunting, crazy duet amp on the rampage, never murder with the same way, but always with the same ferocity.{else}’Bonnie and Clyde’ are reinvented in SCAVENGER KILLERS, where a charming judge and a hot criminal defense attorney go on a maniacal killing rampage. With bizarre, yet somehow believable, FBI agents (a physically powerful, condescending mute with wooden legs, and a Tourette’s Syndrome introvert with psychic abilities) on the hunt, the deranged duo amp up their rampage, never murdering with the same method but always with same untamed ferocity.{end if}收起
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