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类型:电视剧 爱情
导演:久万真路 大内隆弘 吉川鮎太
主演:原沙知绘 矶山沙耶香 袴田吉彦 竹财辉之助 须贺健太 八十田勇一 片山萌美 凛美 鸟越壮真 渡辺真起子 おのののか 上地春奈 森田凉花
剧情:{if:"Director in person, 本来打算接着拍Documentary 但是拿到funding后改主意;结尾we are actually taking tequila shot, and the film ends there cause I don't have a decent shot of Anne looking down; I began in when i was around twenty six, and we shot that last terrible scene when I was roughly thirty; I just owned too many people too much money; I just... just tell my storyGirlfriends被华纳兄弟买下后拍第二部电影It's My Turn,体验到studio当时对女导演的歧视。"There is not a lot, I just leave." 我能期待什么呢?我能期待如果我认真去做好我想做的事,那么我是有希望把它做好的回到电影本身,情节不停曲折,于是开始找到一些共性。每个人都是自私的,并且每个人的自私都是legitimate, justified,能怎么办呢。Stanley Kubrick最喜欢的那个年代的电影,真正可以和欧洲新浪潮放在一起(according to Kubrick)。讲道理近段时间最佳both the film and the director-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Vicente Molina Foix interviewed the director in 1980, asking for his thoughts on the filmmaking of men "like Coppola, Schrader, Spielberg, Scorsese, or DePalma," Kubrick ignored the tendency to talk about the usual male talent of that generation. He responded:I think one of the most interesting Hollywood films, well not Hollywood — American films — that I've seen in a long time is Claudia Weill's Girlfriends. That film, I thought, was one of the very rare American's films that I would compare with the serious, intelligent, sensitive writing and filmmaking that you find in the best directors in Europe. It wasn't a success, I don't know why; it should have been. Certainly I thought it as a wonderful film. It seemed to make no compromise to the inner truth of the story, you know, the theme and everything else. [Taschen]source"<>""}Director in person, 本来打算接着拍Documentary 但是拿到funding后改主意;结尾we are actually taking tequila shot, and the film ends there cause I don't have a decent shot of Anne looking down; I began in when i was around twenty six, and we shot that last terrible scene when I was roughly thirty; I just owned too many people too much money; I just... just tell my storyGirlfriends被华纳兄弟买下后拍第二部电影It's My Turn,体验到studio当时对女导演的歧视。"There is not a lot, I just leave." 我能期待什么呢?我能期待如果我认真去做好我想做的事,那么我是有希望把它做好的回到电影本身,情节不停曲折,于是开始找到一些共性。每个人都是自私的,并且每个人的自私都是legitimate, justified,能怎么办呢。Stanley Kubrick最喜欢的那个年代的电影,真正可以和欧洲新浪潮放在一起(according to Kubrick)。讲道理近段时间最佳both the film and the director-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Vicente Molina Foix interviewed the director in 1980, asking for his thoughts on the filmmaking of men "like Coppola, Schrader, Spielberg, Scorsese, or DePalma," Kubrick ignored the tendency to talk about the usual male talent of that generation. He responded:I think one of the most interesting Hollywood films, well not Hollywood — American films — that I've seen in a long time is Claudia Weill's Girlfriends. That film, I thought, was one of the very rare American's films that I would compare with the serious, intelligent, sensitive writing and filmmaking that you find in the best directors in Europe. It wasn't a success, I don't know why; it should have been. Certainly I thought it as a wonderful film. It seemed to make no compromise to the inner truth of the story, you know, the theme and everything else. [Taschen]source{else}本作は恋愛、結婚、不倫などに直面し揺れ動く女性の心理や葛藤を描く物語。原作は1983年に連載が始まったが、ドラマでは時代設定を令和に変更する。{end if}收起
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