首页 » 电视剧 » 主厨是名侦探


类型:电视剧 剧情
导演:木村尚 泷悠辅 向井澄
主演:西岛秀俊 滨田岳 神尾佑 石井杏奈 桥本爱实 佐藤宽太



治愈系美食日剧(大多是法式经典料理,员工餐都是和食)。推理部分有道理, 但还不完全让我信服。基调轻松,演技扎实,台词有特色,团队氛围融洽。 很舒服的剧,餐具和美食都很养眼。没有犯罪的推理, 是充满人性温情的剧,好像在另一个时空里独自暗放幽香。 但有时镜头切换过于频繁和快速,眼花。 对这部剧的深挖有空我再补充。



努力做一个高贵的人,不会一味地嫉妒和诋毁令自己眼红的他人成就,不会为了自己的成功和私利而心安理得地利用和欺骗他人,敢于承认自己的错误并承担相应的责任,会明辨是非给予值得原谅的人宽容和慈爱。会感化而不是一味地教训。会尊重而不是无节制地强迫。 我在其他剧评里写过问过自己数次, 如果非要在强大和善良中选择其一,我的选择会是什么? 我还是坚持后者, 因为我不会想生活在一个为了变强而不择手段放弃善良的强势社会,一个为了变强而理所当然地依靠压榨人性中的善良而获利的社会。也因为理性的善良让人幸福,安平,充满希望。 从博弈论的角度来说, 当一个社会中不再存在善良, 那么那个社会里的恶人也终会消亡。


滨田岳出道这么多年, 一直是熟脸但名气一般。也许是这部剧本身就自带魔法,所以剧中的人物也都带着温润的治愈。他在这一集中表情幽默到位,让笑点颇高的我笑出了声。或许外形不高帅的他很难持续地作为主角站在观众面前,但是美好的内在一定会让他绽放出彩的光芒。温良的人总是自带治愈的圣洁和人性的高贵而不自知。

【E6】不知道为什么,哭了。 善良, 不是无力的。善良, 有着沉厚温旭的救赎力量, 能化解一切恨意, 安抚一切尖锐。



有时会问自己,为什么要做善良的人? 总是被人欺负,利用罢了。善良总是永远敌不过恶毒。但是这部吞吐芬芳的剧却告诉你善良的力量,那种可以净化一切人心污浊的独孤救赎。有时我们确实见证了善良输了一场又一场的战役,看上去是如此不堪一击得弱小。我们也许一次又一次地见识了那些卑劣,虚荣,嫉妒,自私,虚伪的人用不堪入目的谋算手段一次次地获得了成功,但我始终相信,善良、诚实、无私、正直, 这些人性中闪耀着光亮的善是凝聚和拯救人类的坚韧纽带。善良可以是一种选择,也可以是习惯,甚至天性。做一个用心的善良的人,是为了自己,是为了自己能在内心真正地尊重也尊敬自己。

【E9】 完结, 这一季在我眼里最好的日剧。

如果有人在不知情的情况下, 丢弃或弄坏了你最珍视的物件, 你会怎么办? 你会大度地宽慰对方吗?

如果你弄丢或损坏了别人珍视的物件, 你会努力到何种地步去弥补呢?

如果一个团队里的成员犯了失误, 和你完全无关, 但是却又是与时钟赛跑的失误。你会怎么办? 你会留下来帮TA一起修正失误吗?

食物是文化的一种。一个地区的食物, 是当地历史, 地理, 气候, 水土的综合体现。

在你记忆中, 让你最眷恋的食物是什么? 你生病时, 落寞时, 伤心时, 饥饿时, 最思念的食物是什么?

你记忆中最难忘的店和料理人是谁? 为什么? 你吃过的最难忘的料理是什么?

品格, 我认为是所有职业人操守中最重要的一条, 高于技能。有品格的料理人, 会用心去了解食客的喜好, 偏食, 厌食, 用餐场合和心情。有品格的料理人, 在选用食材上不会对质量妥协, 会对食物品质负责。

你在乎父母的认可与赞扬吗? 有多在乎? 你曾经为了获得这些而努力过吗? 如果从未得到过, 你从此有了什么样的变化吗? 如果得到过那份认可, 那一瞬间你的感受是?

你曾经追随过父母的背影吗? 父母是否曾经是你的榜样? 有一天当你超越了你的父母,TA们是以怎样的姿态来迎接你的?


你从父母那里有学到过任何东西吗? 是否至今仍影响着你?

如果有来生, 你还希望与父母再续这份缘吗?

【热红酒 Vin Chaud】


From Wiki, "Mulled wine, also known as spiced wine, is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various mulling spices and sometimes raisins. It is served hot or warm and is alcoholic, although there are non-alcoholic versions of it. It is a traditional drink during winter, especially around Christmas. It is served at Christmas markets in Europe.

In the Czechia, mulled wine is called svařené víno ("boiled wine"), colloquially svařák.

In Slovakia, mulled wine is called varené víno (“boiled wine”), and is usually served during the Christmas season.

In France, vin chaud ("hot wine") typically consists of red wine mixed with honey, cinnamon, and orange. It must not be too sweet. Beverage noted in the Alps for winter sports.

In Hungary, forralt bor ("boiled wine") is typically made from the country's popular Egri Bikavér and spiced with cinnamon, sugar and cloves. Sometimes Amaretto is added for extra taste.

In Italy, mulled wine is typical in the northern part of the country and is called vin brulé (from the French vin brûlé, "burnt wine", though the expression is not used in France).

In Latvia, it is called karstvīns ("hot wine"). When out of wine, it is prepared using grape (or currant) juice and Riga Black Balsam.

In Lithuania, it is called "glintveinas" or karštas vynas ("hot wine").

In Moldova and Romania, the izvar is made from red wine with black pepper and honey.

In the Netherlands, the drink is known as bisschopswijn (literally "bishop's wine"). Bisschopswijn is drunk during the Sinterklaas holidays.

In North Macedonia, it is called vareno vino (Macedonian: варено вино, boiled wine) or greeno vino (Macedonian: греено вино, heated wine) and is usually served in late autumn or winter. It is made of red wine, usually from the Tikvešh region, combined with cinnamon and sugar or honey. The wine heated in a combination with pepper is used as a prevention from flu or cold.

In Poland, grzane wino ("heated wine"), or grzaniec in highlander dialect, is very similar to the Czech variant, especially in the southern regions. There is also a similar method for preparing mulled beer or "grzane piwo" which is popular with Belgian beers because of the sweet flavor of that particular type of beer, which uses the same spices as mulled wine and is heated.

In Portugal, mainly in the Douro and Minho Provinces it is called vinho quente and made with Madeira wine and Port wine, in the Porto region Porto Quente is more popular.[citation needed]

In Russia and Ukraine, Глинтвейн ("Glintvein") is a popular drink during winters[citation needed and has same recipe as the German Glühwein. Additionally, the traditional Russian winter herbal drink sbiten, although usually a non-alcoholic tisane made with hot water, may also be made with red wine replacing some or all of the water.

In Geneva, Switzerland, "Vin Chaud" is consumed during the festivities surrounding L'Escalade.”





2017年4月日剧《孤独的美食家 第六季》 https://movie.douban.com/review/8481183/ 2021年7月日剧《孤独的美食家 第九季》 https://movie.douban.com/review/13668114/

2021年4月日剧《别扭女生的一人饭》 https://movie.douban.com/review/13534918/




治愈系美食日剧(大多是法式经典料理,员工餐都是和食)。推理部分有道理, 但还不完全让我信服。基调轻松,演技扎实,台词有特色,团队氛围融洽。 很舒服的剧,餐具和美食都很养眼。没有犯罪的推理, 是充满人性温情的剧,好像在另一个时空里独自暗放幽香。 但有时镜头切换过于频繁和快速,眼花。 对这部剧的深挖有空我再补充。



努力做一个高贵的人,不会一味地嫉妒和诋毁令自己眼红的他人成就,不会为了自己的成功和私利而心安理得地利用和欺骗他人,敢于承认自己的错误并承担相应的责任,会明辨是非给予值得原谅的人宽容和慈爱。会感化而不是一味地教训。会尊重而不是无节制地强迫。 我在其他剧评里写过问过自己数次, 如果非要在强大和善良中选择其一,我的选择会是什么? 我还是坚持后者, 因为我不会想生活在一个为了变强而不择手段放弃善良的强势社会,一个为了变强而理所当然地依靠压榨人性中的善良而获利的社会。也因为理性的善良让人幸福,安平,充满希望。 从博弈论的角度来说, 当一个社会中不再存在善良, 那么那个社会里的恶人也终会消亡。


滨田岳出道这么多年, 一直是熟脸但名气一般。也许是这部剧本身就自带魔法,所以剧中的人物也都带着温润的治愈。他在这一集中表情幽默到位,让笑点颇高的我笑出了声。或许外形不高帅的他很难持续地作为主角站在观众面前,但是美好的内在一定会让他绽放出彩的光芒。温良的人总是自带治愈的圣洁和人性的高贵而不自知。

【E6】不知道为什么,哭了。 善良, 不是无力的。善良, 有着沉厚温旭的救赎力量, 能化解一切恨意, 安抚一切尖锐。



有时会问自己,为什么要做善良的人? 总是被人欺负,利用罢了。善良总是永远敌不过恶毒。但是这部吞吐芬芳的剧却告诉你善良的力量,那种可以净化一切人心污浊的独孤救赎。有时我们确实见证了善良输了一场又一场的战役,看上去是如此不堪一击得弱小。我们也许一次又一次地见识了那些卑劣,虚荣,嫉妒,自私,虚伪的人用不堪入目的谋算手段一次次地获得了成功,但我始终相信,善良、诚实、无私、正直, 这些人性中闪耀着光亮的善是凝聚和拯救人类的坚韧纽带。善良可以是一种选择,也可以是习惯,甚至天性。做一个用心的善良的人,是为了自己,是为了自己能在内心真正地尊重也尊敬自己。

【E9】 完结, 这一季在我眼里最好的日剧。

如果有人在不知情的情况下, 丢弃或弄坏了你最珍视的物件, 你会怎么办? 你会大度地宽慰对方吗?

如果你弄丢或损坏了别人珍视的物件, 你会努力到何种地步去弥补呢?

如果一个团队里的成员犯了失误, 和你完全无关, 但是却又是与时钟赛跑的失误。你会怎么办? 你会留下来帮TA一起修正失误吗?

食物是文化的一种。一个地区的食物, 是当地历史, 地理, 气候, 水土的综合体现。

在你记忆中, 让你最眷恋的食物是什么? 你生病时, 落寞时, 伤心时, 饥饿时, 最思念的食物是什么?

你记忆中最难忘的店和料理人是谁? 为什么? 你吃过的最难忘的料理是什么?

品格, 我认为是所有职业人操守中最重要的一条, 高于技能。有品格的料理人, 会用心去了解食客的喜好, 偏食, 厌食, 用餐场合和心情。有品格的料理人, 在选用食材上不会对质量妥协, 会对食物品质负责。

你在乎父母的认可与赞扬吗? 有多在乎? 你曾经为了获得这些而努力过吗? 如果从未得到过, 你从此有了什么样的变化吗? 如果得到过那份认可, 那一瞬间你的感受是?

你曾经追随过父母的背影吗? 父母是否曾经是你的榜样? 有一天当你超越了你的父母,TA们是以怎样的姿态来迎接你的?


你从父母那里有学到过任何东西吗? 是否至今仍影响着你?

如果有来生, 你还希望与父母再续这份缘吗?

【热红酒 Vin Chaud】


From Wiki, "Mulled wine, also known as spiced wine, is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various mulling spices and sometimes raisins. It is served hot or warm and is alcoholic, although there are non-alcoholic versions of it. It is a traditional drink during winter, especially around Christmas. It is served at Christmas markets in Europe.

In the Czechia, mulled wine is called svařené víno ("boiled wine"), colloquially svařák.

In Slovakia, mulled wine is called varené víno (“boiled wine”), and is usually served during the Christmas season.

In France, vin chaud ("hot wine") typically consists of red wine mixed with honey, cinnamon, and orange. It must not be too sweet. Beverage noted in the Alps for winter sports.

In Hungary, forralt bor ("boiled wine") is typically made from the country's popular Egri Bikavér and spiced with cinnamon, sugar and cloves. Sometimes Amaretto is added for extra taste.

In Italy, mulled wine is typical in the northern part of the country and is called vin brulé (from the French vin brûlé, "burnt wine", though the expression is not used in France).

In Latvia, it is called karstvīns ("hot wine"). When out of wine, it is prepared using grape (or currant) juice and Riga Black Balsam.

In Lithuania, it is called "glintveinas" or karštas vynas ("hot wine").

In Moldova and Romania, the izvar is made from red wine with black pepper and honey.

In the Netherlands, the drink is known as bisschopswijn (literally "bishop's wine"). Bisschopswijn is drunk during the Sinterklaas holidays.

In North Macedonia, it is called vareno vino (Macedonian: варено вино, boiled wine) or greeno vino (Macedonian: греено вино, heated wine) and is usually served in late autumn or winter. It is made of red wine, usually from the Tikvešh region, combined with cinnamon and sugar or honey. The wine heated in a combination with pepper is used as a prevention from flu or cold.

In Poland, grzane wino ("heated wine"), or grzaniec in highlander dialect, is very similar to the Czech variant, especially in the southern regions. There is also a similar method for preparing mulled beer or "grzane piwo" which is popular with Belgian beers because of the sweet flavor of that particular type of beer, which uses the same spices as mulled wine and is heated.

In Portugal, mainly in the Douro and Minho Provinces it is called vinho quente and made with Madeira wine and Port wine, in the Porto region Porto Quente is more popular.[citation needed]

In Russia and Ukraine, Глинтвейн ("Glintvein") is a popular drink during winters[citation needed and has same recipe as the German Glühwein. Additionally, the traditional Russian winter herbal drink sbiten, although usually a non-alcoholic tisane made with hot water, may also be made with red wine replacing some or all of the water.

In Geneva, Switzerland, "Vin Chaud" is consumed during the festivities surrounding L'Escalade.”





2017年4月日剧《孤独的美食家 第六季》 https://movie.douban.com/review/8481183/ 2021年7月日剧《孤独的美食家 第九季》 https://movie.douban.com/review/13668114/

2021年4月日剧《别扭女生的一人饭》 https://movie.douban.com/review/13534918/

{else}近藤史恵の小説「タルト?タタンの夢」「ヴァン?ショーをあなたに」「マカロンはマカロン」を原作とする「シェフは名探偵」。西島演じるフレンチレストラン「ビストロ?パ?マル」のシェフ?三舟忍が、人並み外れた洞察力と推理力で、客たちの巻き込まれた事件や不可解な出来事の謎を解くさまが描かれる。{end if}收起

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