首页 » 电影 » 神秘的加勒比


类型:电影 纪录片
剧情:片中特雷弗·麦克唐纳将带我们进入神秘的加勒比,参观世界上独特、美丽的岛屿和当地的民俗风情。\r\n  每集将有不同的三个地方:\r\n  内克尔岛,古巴,特立尼达;\r\n  牙买加,穆沙岛,巴巴多..展开

It's six o'clock and the sun goes down

Someone is killed without guilt

Baby in the crib was what it was

Shot in the head and now he's dead

When you think of a mother crying over her firsr-born child

Oh, why I bother

I wanna shut this world down

We need to stop the killing

Everybody, we can start feeling

So why with all our love and care

what about the things we used to share?

All this pain and hurt we bear

We need to stop, We need to stop"<>""}

It's six o'clock and the sun goes down

Someone is killed without guilt

Baby in the crib was what it was

Shot in the head and now he's dead

When you think of a mother crying over her firsr-born child

Oh, why I bother

I wanna shut this world down

We need to stop the killing

Everybody, we can start feeling

So why with all our love and care

what about the things we used to share?

All this pain and hurt we bear

We need to stop, We need to stop{else}片中特雷弗·麦克唐纳将带我们进入神秘的加勒比,参观世界上独特、美丽的岛屿和当地的民俗风情。\r\n  每集将有不同的三个地方:\r\n  内克尔岛,古巴,特立尼达;\r\n  牙买加,穆沙岛,巴巴多斯;\r\n  安提瓜,蒙特塞拉特岛,格林纳达。{end if}收起

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