首页 » 电影 » 致所有的男孩:爱你永远


类型:电影 喜剧 爱情
主演:拉娜·康多 诺亚·琴蒂内奥 玛德琳娜·亚瑟

主人公每一部都在成长 好喜欢美式小甜剧啊!该表达就表达,很直接的爱意,各种互动打闹都好真实好甜啊!好朋友也好好啊 开心难过的时候都有Chris在一起? 好喜欢美国高中的舞会 男生在下面等着喜欢的女孩子盛装打扮 看他们的反应也好幸福呜呜 也最喜欢有话直说十分开放不藏着掖着的一家人?‍?‍?‍? 妹妹的I’m gonna miss you a twelve?自己的未来永远比爱情重要 LJ做出了最正确的决定 要长成成熟的大人了 呜呜呜 最后Peter写的信我要哭了 “Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am that you chose me. We’ve been through so much together, Laura Jean. And I never should have doubted that we get through this too. Of course you should go to New York. You should do all the things you want to do. I never want to be the guy holding you back. I want to be the one by your side. Well it not always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work. Because that’s what you do when you love someone. I will love you, Laura Jean. Always and Forever.”?


My whole life, I’ve wanted the kind of love you’ve seen in the movies: boom box over the head, hand in the back pocket of your jeans kind of love. Boy meets girl, they break up and make up, and end up happily ever after. But in real life, that‘s not where the story ends. It’s where it begins. Because life is beautiful and messy and never goes according to plan. And the truth is, I have no idea what it has in store for me. But I do know that love—real love is choosing each other through all of it—every single day—beginning and middle and end.

I know what most people are thinking: two kids, 3000 miles apart for four years? No way. They‘ll never make it. But we’re not like those other couples, We are Laura Jean and Peter. And besides, you know one thing 3000 miles is good for?

Writing love letters.?

//Hhhh I also want to write love letters when I fall in love❤️


主人公每一部都在成长 好喜欢美式小甜剧啊!该表达就表达,很直接的爱意,各种互动打闹都好真实好甜啊!好朋友也好好啊 开心难过的时候都有Chris在一起? 好喜欢美国高中的舞会 男生在下面等着喜欢的女孩子盛装打扮 看他们的反应也好幸福呜呜 也最喜欢有话直说十分开放不藏着掖着的一家人?‍?‍?‍? 妹妹的I’m gonna miss you a twelve?自己的未来永远比爱情重要 LJ做出了最正确的决定 要长成成熟的大人了 呜呜呜 最后Peter写的信我要哭了 “Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am that you chose me. We’ve been through so much together, Laura Jean. And I never should have doubted that we get through this too. Of course you should go to New York. You should do all the things you want to do. I never want to be the guy holding you back. I want to be the one by your side. Well it not always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work. Because that’s what you do when you love someone. I will love you, Laura Jean. Always and Forever.”?


My whole life, I’ve wanted the kind of love you’ve seen in the movies: boom box over the head, hand in the back pocket of your jeans kind of love. Boy meets girl, they break up and make up, and end up happily ever after. But in real life, that‘s not where the story ends. It’s where it begins. Because life is beautiful and messy and never goes according to plan. And the truth is, I have no idea what it has in store for me. But I do know that love—real love is choosing each other through all of it—every single day—beginning and middle and end.

I know what most people are thinking: two kids, 3000 miles apart for four years? No way. They‘ll never make it. But we’re not like those other couples, We are Laura Jean and Peter. And besides, you know one thing 3000 miles is good for?

Writing love letters.?

//Hhhh I also want to write love letters when I fall in love❤️

{else}即将高中毕业的劳拉准备踏入成人阶段,两段改变人生的旅程使她明白原来毕业后与家人、朋友和彼得的相处并非如想像中那样。{end if}收起

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